About Company

InJourney Aviation Services adalah penyedia layanan terlengkap di sektor penerbangan, menawarkan pelayanan jasa Ground Handling & Cargo Terminal Operator, Logistics, Hospitality serta Operations Support sehingga terbentuk ekosistem layanan berkualitas  dengan keramah-tamahan Indonesia yang efisien dan berbasis teknologi  di seluruh bandara. Keunggulan kami terletak pada efisiensi operasional yang tinggi, pelayanan pelanggan berkualitas, dan inovasi teknologi. Dengan fokus pada kolaborasi bisnis jangka panjang, kami membangun kemitraan strategis dengan maskapai dan perusahaan kargo untuk meningkatkan volume bisnis dan memberikan layanan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan. Komitmen kami terhadap keberlanjutan tercermin dalam praktik-praktik ramah lingkungan dan sosial, termasuk manajemen fasilitas yang berkelanjutan dan pemanfaatan teknologi untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan. Sebagai mitra yang dapat diandalkan, kami berdedikasi untuk memberikan pengalaman penerbangan yang aman, nyaman, dan berkesan bagi pelanggan kami.


Become the leading airline and freight service provider in Southeast Asia.


1. Cost Leadership & Service Excellence

Improving the cost structure and service excellence of each business unit that will merge with IAS in order to compete with best-in-class competitors.

2. Facilitating E2E Solutions

Strive to offer end-to-end solutions to customers as much as possible, such as providing an end-to-end logistics solution that includes freight forwarding and cargo terminal operations, and offering integrated facility management services to customers (both airport and non-airport) that encompass cleaning services, parking management, security, equipment maintenance, and more.

3. Partnership & Expansion

IAS itself will also develop partnerships with global players, such as Swissport, SATS, Menzies, and others in various services deemed suitable for partnerships to enhance brand image, competitiveness, and technology transfer in improving service quality. Additionally, expanding the customer scope to areas outside the airport is also an important point that will be considered to further establish IAS's name as a service provider not only focused on the airport segment.

4. Ecosystem Synergies

With the merger of several entities previously under AP I and AP II, several business ecosystems that were previously operating separately, such as the company's internal portals, systems and databases used, and the networks owned by each entity, will now be integrated. This merger, although it will take considerable time and effort, will become the main asset for IAS in its future operations.



President Commissioner

Danang Parikesit

Danang Parikesit born in Yogyakarta, served as President commissioner of PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career, he served as Commissioner of PT Angkasa Pura I (2020 – 2023), Commissioner of PT Pelni Persero (2018), Commissioner of PT Transportasi Jakarta (2018), Transportation and Public Works Expert, Priority Project Development Acceleration Team (2017), Independent Commissioner of PT KAI Persero (2015).

Completed his doctoral education of technology (Dr-Tech), Summa Cum Laude, Vienna University of Technology in Austria, 1996.

Independent Commissioner

Agus Santoso

Agus Santoso born in Solo, served as independent commissioner of PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career, he served as President Commissioner of PT Angkasa Pura II (2022), President Commissioner of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. (2018), Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Perum Air Navigation Indonesia (2017), Director General of Air Transportation, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia (2017), Head of the Transportation Policy Research and Development of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia (2016).

Completed his Doctoral education of Management from Jakarta State University, Jakarta in 2011.



Pardiman born in Boyolali, served as Commissioner of PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career, he served as Director of Finance PT Kimia Farma Tbk (2019 – 2021), Director of Finance PT Biofarma (Persero) (2018 – 2019), Director of Finance Perum Bulog (2017 – 2018), Director of Finance PT Petrokimia Gresik (2016 – 2017), Director of Micro and Fund PT BRI Syariah (2015 – 2016).

Completed his Master Degree in Management from Diponegoro University , Semarang 2002.


Ricky Silaen

Ricky Silaen born in Jakarta on August 20, 1981. Currently serving as a Commissioner of PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

Throughout the career, has held positions such as Chief Executive Officer of PT Indozone Media Indonesia (July 2021 – February 2024), Chief Executive Officer of PT Nawasena Strategi Indonesia (May 2023 – February 2024), Advisor to the Minister of Tourism & Creative Economy (2019-2022), and have held other leadership roles in the television industry.

Completed dual Bachelor's degrees in Digital Animation at the University of Hertfordshire, UK in 2008 and Character Animation at the Academy of Art University, US in 2006.


Hidayat Amir

Hidayat Amir was born in Purworejo, currently serves as Commissioner of PT Solusi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career he has served as Head of the Center for Policy Analysis & Harmonization of the Ministry of Finance (2021-present), Commissioner of PT Angkasa Pura I (2022-2023), Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Policy, Fiscal Policy Agency (2019-2021), and Director of the Center for Budget Policy, Fiscal Policy Agency (2017-2019).

Obtained a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Economics from the University of Queensland, Australia in 2012.



President Director

Dendi Tegar Danianto

Dendi Tegar Danianto born in Bogor served as President Director PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career, he served as Director of Services and Commercial PT Angkasa Pura I (2022 – 2023), Director of Business Development PT Angkasa Pura I (2020 – 2022), Chief Executive Officer Jendela Teknologi Indonesia (2019 – 2020), Vice Secretary General INASGOC (2017 – 2018), Vice President of Integrated Marketing Communications PT Pertamina (Persero) (2015 – 2018).

Completed his Bachelor degree of Business Administration from Philippine School of Business Administration, Philippine in 1994.

Director Integration & Portfolio

Danny P Thaharsyah

Danny P Thaharsyah born in Jakarta, served as Director of Integration and Portfolio at PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career, he served as President Director PT Angkasa Pura Logistic (2019 – 2023), President Director PT Angkasa Pura Hotel (2013 – 2018), Director of Design, Operation & Commercial PT Angkasa Pura Hotel (2012 – 2013). 

Completed his Master degree of Economic From University Indonesia in 2010

Director of Human Capital


Israwadi Born in Medan, served as Director of Human Capital PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career, he served as Director of Human Capital PT Angkasa Pura I (2022 – 2023), Director of Compliance, Assets and Procurement PT Angkasa Pura I (2020 – 2022), Vice President of Internal Audit PT Angkasa Pura I (2018 – 2020), Head of Corporate Secretary PT Angkasa Pura I (2016 – 2018), Director of Finance, Personnel & Administration PT Angkasa Pura Hotel (2013 – 2016).

Completed his Master Degree in Marketing Concentration Management from Bandung Institute of Technology.

Director of Commercial

Muhammad Putra Pariadi

Muhammad Putra Pariadi born in Mataram, served as Director of Commercial PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career, he served as President Director PT Angkasa Pura Solusi (2023 – 2023), Director of Operations PT Angkasa Pura Solusi (2020 – 2023), Vice President of Corporate Planning & Performance PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) (2018 – 2020), Vice President of Airport Quality Assurance PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) (2017 - 2018), Vice President of Electronical & Mechanical Engineering PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) (2015 – 2017).

Completed his Master Degree in Management from Riau University in 2014.

Ajar Setiadi

Direktur Keuangan & Manajemen Resiko

Ajar Setiadi

Ajar Setiadi born in Yogyakarta, served as Director Finance & Risk Management PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi.

During his career, he served as Director of Human Capital PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) (2019 – 2023), Director of Finance & Support PT Perusahaan pengelola Aset (Persero) (2014 – 2019), General Manager of Human Capital & General Affairs PT Perusahaan pengelola Aset (Persero) (2004 – 2014), Head of General Affairs BPPN (1999 – 2004), HRD & GA Senior Manager PT KIA Timor Motor (1998 – 1999).

Completed his Master Degree in Management from PPM Management University in 2020.
